Warframe's 'Whispers In The Walls' finally sees cross-save roll out
Warframe's Whispers In The Walls cinematic quest will introduce the long-awaited cross-save feature - at least for some players.
Warframe has seen Tenno kicking intergalactic rear-ends since 2013, and as it's come to more platforms over the years, players have been desperate for cross-save so they can take their adventures and characters wherever they play.
While developer Digital Extremes has already rolled out cross-play, cross-save has taken a little longer and will start rolling out with December's Whispers In The Walls update.
Warframe cross-save is almost here
The team had previously confirmed the feature was on track for 2023, and while the December 13 release date will ensure that promise is kept, it's not an easy process.
As discussed in a dev stream for the Whispers in the Walls update, players will be introduced to the functionality in phases.
October 2023's Abyss of Dagath update began laying the groundwork to prepare the game for cross-save, and now Digital Extremes will roll out cross-save in phases "to maintain a steady flow of players and conduct stress testing along the way", a press release explains.
"All Warframe players on all platforms are expected to have access to Cross Platform Save by the end of 2023," it continues, noting "Digital Extremes will operate with complete transparency to [the] community as the feature is rolled out."
The update will begin with Warframe Founders and cross-save trading between players will come eventually.
How Warframe cross-save will work
Players will be able to link their accounts or merge them entirely. For the former, you'll be able to link to your primary account on one platform and continue progress on other platforms.
As an example, a PC player can pick up where they left off on Xbox, and carry across all of their items and progress before hopping back to the PC version of Warframe.
Players who opt to merge their accounts will only be able to do this once, and it will centralize all of their items, Warframes, and more. Once merged, players will be able to jump from platform to platform with their content intact.
Players need to have made their Warframe account prior to today's dev stream to be able to be eligible for account merge.
Digital Extremes has noted some items won't be able to be merged due to platform restrictions, but these will be covered on Warframe's FAQ page.

About The Author
Lloyd Coombes
Lloyd is GGRecon's Editor-in-Chief, having previously worked at Dexerto and Gfinity, and occasionally appears in The Daily Star newspaper. A big fan of loot-based games including Destiny 2 and Diablo 4, when he's not working you'll find him at the gym or trying to play Magic The Gathering.