Stardew Valley Jas: Gifts, Schedule, Heart Events
Jas is one of the children in Stardew Valley. She lives with her Godfather Shane, and Aunt Marnie at Marnie's Ranch in Cindersnap Forest. To learn how to befriend her, what her favourite gifts are and what her heart event is, read on.
Stardew Valley Jas is one of the children in Pelican Town. Most days she can be found in the library or playground, being tutored by Penny alongside her friend Vincent. She lives with Shane, her godfather, on Marnie’s ranch in Stardew Valley, and by befriending her and Vincent, the player has the opportunity to unlock a unique foraging buff. To learn how to do this and how to befriend Jas in Stardew Valley, read on.
- Perhaps you also want to befriend Jas’s Godfather Shane? If so read, our Stardew Valley Shane guide to learn how.
Stardew Valley Jas: Best Gifts
- All universal loves
- Fairy Rose
- Pink Cake
- Plum Pudding
- All universal likes (except Triple Shot Espresso and most Artisan Goods and Vegetables)
- Coconut
- Daffodil
- All universal dislikes (except Clay)
- All Mushrooms
- Quartz
- Most Forage items
- All universal hates
- Most Artisan Goods
- Clay
- Pina Colada
- Triple Shot Espresso
- Wild Horseradish
- Did you know Pink Cake is also one of Haley’s favourite gifts? Read our Stardew Valley Haley guide for more details and more of her favourites.
Stardew Valley Jas: How to Foster a Relationship
Of the gifts that Jas loves, the Fairy Rose is the easiest to acquire as it simply requires you to purchase the seeds from Pierre and grow the crops in the Fall. The Fairy Rose takes 12 days to mature and can grow into several varying shades of rose upon harvest.
This can be a profitable crop if placed nearby Beehives, as the Honey produced will be Fairy Rose Honey and worth much more than regular Honey, (regular Honey being 100g and Fairy Rose Honey 680g). So, if you’re growing the crop to befriend Jas, you can gift her the roses whilst selling the Honey made as a result of them.
The Pink Cake recipe is acquired through the Queen of Sauce, 21 Summer, Year 2. All this takes to make is Wheat Flour, Sugar (both of which can be bought from Pierre or made), an Egg and Melon which you can buy the seeds of from Pierre and grow in the Summer.
The Plum Pudding recipe is also granted to the player through the Queen of Sauce TV show, on 7 Winter, Year 1. This has even fewer ingredients, that being Wheat Flour, Sugar and two Wild Plums which are forage items found throughout the Valley in Fall. Plums can also spawn in the Fruit Bat Cave if the player has one.
As always, check the Stardrop Saloon’s daily rotating stock as Gus may be selling these dishes, and the Travelling Cart on Fridays and Sundays.
Also check the calendar and make sure you give Jas a loved gift on her birthday for 8x friendship points. Her birthday is on Summer 4.
- Perhaps you’re also looking to befriend resident writer Elliott? If so, check out our Stardew Valley Elliott Guide.
Stardew Valley Jas: Schedule
Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays are spent at the large tree east of where the Travelling Cart appears from 11am-3pm, then she returns home for the rest of the day and evening.
Saturday mornings she stands by the tree west of the town graveyard. At 12pm she travels to the playground left of the Community Centre. At 5pm she returns to her spot near Abigail and Haley’s house until 8pm when she returns home to bed.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays are spent with Penny and Vincent at the museum from 9am-2pm. At 2pm she stands by the river near the Museum. At 5:50pm she returns home, stopping briefly at Haley and Abigail’s house.
If raining she will spend all day indoors at Marnie’s Ranch.
During Summer, she spends the morning next to the cow pen outside of Marnie’s ranch. Next, she goes to the beach from 1:20pm-4pm. Then she returns home.
Stardew Valley Jas: Heart Events
As one of the children, Jas only has one heart event which occurs when you reach eight hearts with both her and Vincent.
Eight Hearts
The player enters Cindersnap Forest by the sewers on a sunny day to discover Vincent and Jas standing near a Spring Onion. (A forage item available in Spring). Vincent expresses that he knows a secret about the Spring Onions and because he likes the player, he will share the secret with them. A cut scene takes place of the Spring Onion being opened to reveal bugs inside which Vincent cleans out. After this the player receives the Spring Onion Mastery perk which increases the value of all Spring Onions sold by x5.
Now you’ve discovered all there is to know about Jas, check out more of our Stardew Valley content. Here’s our Stardew Valley Luau guide for everything you need to know about the Luau, including the hidden mystery response.

About The Author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a former GGRecon Guides Writer.