League of Legends update 13.22 patch notes, Heartsteel, Champion changes & more
The League of Legends update 13.22 patch notes are here, and we've got a full list of all the new skins and changes that will be coming to the game.
Here's a full rundown of the League of Legends update 13.22 patch notes, including all the Champion changes and more updates for the game.
This patch is a sizable, with a pretty major addition in Quickplay mode which is set to replace the Blind Pick queue that has been around since the game came out. This new mode aims to offer a more streamlined experience for players looking to quickly get into a game.
Of course there's the usual bunch of Champion balance changes and updates for various game modes, new skins including the boy band Heartsteel and more. Keep reading for more on what's changing!
LoL 13.22 patch notes - The short version
This patch sees the debut of the Heartsteel skins, which is the new boy band from Riot's new song "Paranoia". This includes skins for Aphelios, K'Sante, Ezreal, Yone, Sett and Kayn.
There's also a huge amount of changes to Champions, primarily affecting attack speed. There's a large amount of changes for Janna too.
On top of that, expect to see some adjustments to how vision works, as well as updates to pings, Nexuz Blitz and the launch of Quickplay which will replace Blind Pick queue.
And if you want to check out the previous patch notes for League of Legends, you can view the 13.21 update here.
League of Legends 13.22 patch notes - Champions
- Passive - Blaze
- Monster modifier: 220% to 230%
- E - Conflagration
- Damage: 65/90/115/140/165 (+50% AP) to 60/90/120/150/180 (+60% AP)
- Q - Head Rush
- Physical Damage: 60/100/140/180/220 (+80% bonus AD) to 60/95/130/165/200 (+80% bonus AD)
- Armor Reduction: 10/14/18/22/26% to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
- R - Certain Death
- Physical Damage: 150/325/500 (+110% bonus AD) (+110% AP) to 150/300/450 (+75% bonus AD) (+110% bonus AP)
Dr. Mundo
- E - Blunt Force Trauma
- Passive Bonus Attack Damage: 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3% to 2/2.35/2.7/3.05/3.4%
- R - Explosive Cask
- Travel Time: 0.55 seconds to 0.5 seconds
- E - Quickdraw
- Bonus Armor per stack: 4/7/10/13/16 to 2/5/8/11/14
- Base Stats
- Attack Range: 500 to 550
- Base Mana: 350 to 360
- Mana Growth: 64 to 50
- Health Growth: 84 to 90
- Armor Growth: 5 to 4.5
- Base Attack Damage: 52 to 47
- Attack Damage Growth: 3 to 2.5
- Attack Windup: 22% to 20%
- Passive - Tailwind
- Removed: Janna no longer gains bonus move speed while facing allied champions
- New: Janna’s basic attacks and W deal bonus magic damage equal to 20/25/30/35% (1/6/11/16) of her bonus Move Speed
- Q - Howling Gale
- Mana Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 to 90/95/100/105/110
- Cooldown: 12 to 14
- Minimum Damage: 60/85/110/135/160 (+35% AP) to 55/90/125/160/195 (+50% AP)
- Maximum Bonus Damage: 45/60/75/90/105 (+30% AP) to 30/45/60/75/90 (+30% AP)
- W - Zephyr
- Cooldown: 12 to 9/8.5/8/7.5/7
- Mana: 50/60/70/80/90 to 50/55/60/65/70
- Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+60% AP) to 55/90/125/160/195 (+60% AP) (+ Tailwind Bonus Damage)
- Slow Duration: 3 seconds to 2 seconds
- *New* Zephyr passive move speed is no longer removed while on cooldown
- E - Eye of the Storm
- Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9 to 16/15/14/13/12
- Mana: 70/80/90/100/110 to 70/75/80/85/90
- Shield: 75/100/125/150/175 (+55%AP) to 80/115/150/185/220 (+55% AP)
- Shield Duration: 5 seconds to 4 seconds
- *Removed* Shield no longer decays
- *Removed* Janna no longer gains heal and shield power on CC
- *New* Reduce cooldown by 20% remaining cooldown on slow/knockup. Max once per spell.
- Q - Ntofo Strikes
- Required Bonus Health for Minimum Cast Time: 1200 to 1600
- E - Force Pulse
- Magic Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+85% AP) to 60/90/120/150/180 (+80% AP)
- R - Riftwalk
- Zero-Stack Magic Damage: 70/90/110 (+60% AP) (+2% maximum mana) to 70/90/110 (+50% AP) (+2% maximum mana)
- Q - Formless Blade
- Bonus Attack Speed: 10-60% (based on level) to 10-50% (based on level)
- R - Apotheosis
- Damage Over Time: 60/120/180 (+112% bonus AD) to 60/120/180 (+80% bonus AD)
- Maximum Total Damage: 185/345/505 (+232% Bonus AD) to 185/345/505 (+200% bonus AD)
- W - Defensive Ball Curl
- Bonus Armor: 30 (+35/45/55/65/75% total armor) to 40 (+35/45/55/65/75% total armor)
- Q - Piercing Darkness
- Damage: 30/65/100/135/170 (+50% bonus AD) to 30/60/90/120/150 (+50% bonus AD)
- Healing: 40/55/70/85/100 (+30% bonus AD) (+40% AP) (+1.6 per 1 Lethality) to 40/50/60/70/80 (+30% bonus AD) (+40% AP) (+1.6 per 1 Lethality)
- Passive - Stage Presence
- Damage Per Note: 4/8/14/25 (based on level) (+7% AP) 5/10/18/30 (based on level) (+5% AP)
- Q - High Note
- Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 to 10/8.75/7.5/6.25/5
- W - Surround Sound
- Shield: 50/75/100/125/150 (+25% AP) to 50/75/100/125/150 (+20% AP)
Tahm Kench
- Passive - An Acquired Taste
- Bonus Magic Damage: 6−48 (based on level) (+2% AP per 100 bonus health) (+5% of his bonus health) to 6−48 (based on level) (+2% AP per 100 bonus health) (+4% of his bonus health)
- Base Stats
- Base Armor: 22 to 18
- Basic Attack Frame: 20.8% to 20%
Champion Attack Speed Changes
Basic attack speed growth and windup increased.
- Attack windup: 20.1% to 20%
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.668 to 0.625
- Base Attack Speed: 0.668 (unchanged)
- Attack Speed Growth: 2% to 2.2%
Base attack speed increased.
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
Base attack speed, ratio, and missile speed increased
- Base Attack Speed: 0.579 to 0.61
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.579 to 0.625
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1200 to 1500
Basic attack missile speed increased.
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1200 to 1500
Basic attack windup and speed increased
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
- Attack windup: 20.1% to 20%
Basic attack windup increased. Restored an attack animation.
- Attack windup: 23% to 20%
- Attack Animations: Restored an alternate attack animation which will be used 25% of the time for regular attacks and every time for critical attacks
Basic attack missile speed increased.
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1200 to 1500
Basic attack speed, ratio, and growth increased.
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.4 to 0.625
- Attack Speed Growth: 2.2% to 1.5%
Basic attack speed growth increased.
- Attack Speed Growth: 1.36% to 1.5%
Attack windup increased.
- Attack windup: 21.5% to 20%
Basic attack missile speed increased.
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1450 to 1500
Basic attack windup increased.
- Attack windup: 22.9% to 20%
Basic attack speed increased.
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
Basic attack speed, ratio, and windup increased.
- Base Attack Speed: 0.613 to 0.625
- Attack Speed Ratio: 0.613 to 0.625
- Attack windup: 23.6% to 20%
Basic attack speed increased.
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
Basic attack speed increased.
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
Basic attack missile speed and windup increased.
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1300 to 1500
- Attack windup: 21.6% to 20%
Twisted Fate
Basic attack windup increased.
- Attack windup: 24.4% to 20%
Basic attack missile speed increased.
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1100 to 1500
Basic attack speed and growth increased
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.643
- Attack Speed Growth: 1.36% to 1.59%
Basic attack windup and speed increased. Basic attack animation pattern changed
- Basic Attack Frame: 25.1% to 20%
- Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
- Attack Animations: Now uses both attack animations equally instead of 75/25%
Basic attack speed and missile speed increased.
- Basic Attack Missile Speed: 1200 to 1500
- Basic Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
Basic attack speed increased.
Base Attack Speed: 0.625 to 0.658
League of Legends 13.22 patch notes - More changes
Vision Adjustments
- Reveal Radius on attack: 400 to 300
- Reveal circle duration: 4.5 seconds to 2 seconds
Ping Changes
- More celebration: Within 10 seconds of getting an epic objective takedown, all allied pings directed at your champion are visible to your team.
- Ping lockout timer reverted: 5s/15s/30s/60s/120s >>> 6s/12s/16s/20s/24s. This was originally changed in 13.19 but did not make the patch notes.
- The “Alert” and “Enemy Missing” pings can only be used 3 times before being rate limited.
- Ping Changes known bugs
- Sending an ally scoreboard item, ultimate, or Summoner Spell cooldown ping in the last 50% of its cooldown will show [Party] in front of the ping even though it is still being broadcast to the whole team.
ARAM Adjustments
- Lillia - Damage Taken: 110% 105%
- Aphelios - Damage Taken: 100% 95%
- K’Sante - Damage Taken: 90% 95%
- Tryndamere - Healing Done: 140% 135%
Nexus Blitz Adjustments
- Aspect of the Dragon has been removed from the general reward pool. If a team manages to win three events, they will be rewarded with Aspect of the Dragon.
- Due to its high impact on game state and perceived power level, Aspect of the Dragon has been contentious ever since its addition as an event reward. Not all rewards are intended to be equal, but Elder Dragon’s power was a step too far.
- Bard: Increased Chime Spawn Rate. First spawn at 30 seconds, spawns 2 new ones every 20 seconds
- Blitzcrank: Damage dealt +5%
- Rek’sai: Damage dealt +5%, Damage taken -10%
- Rod of Ages: Stack Gain 60 seconds 30 seconds
- Brand: Damage Taken +5% to 8%
- Morgana: Damage Dealt -5%
- Sion: Damage Taken +5%
- Teemo: Damage Dealt -5%, Damage Taken +5%
- Zyra: Damage Taken +5% 8%
- Thresh: Doubled passive soul gain
- Thresh: Damage Dealt +10% to 0%
- Thresh: Damage Taken -10% to 0%
Bug Fixes
- Rift Herald objective timer now shows when you bring up the scoreboard.
- Protect the Soraka event will no longer always play its sound effects at max volume regardless of sound settings. Apologies to all headphone users.
- Protect the Soraka event will no longer have lingering UI elements on screen when it is the first event.
- King of the Hill event now has a maximum time limit of 5 minutes.
- Landing Briar ultimate on an enemy right as URF Deathmatch or Prize fight starts will no longer perma-taunt Briar.
- Ivern’s Triggerseed detonation now damages jungle camps when cast on himself or Daisy.
Quickplay Launch
Quickplay will be released to live region by region in patch 13.22. Blind Pick queue will be disabled along with Quickplay release.
- In order to make sure players who own a limited number of champions have access to Quickplay, new-player-specific free to play champion rotation is expanded to Diana, Jinx, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Rammus, Yuumi, Sona, Teemo, Tristana, Vi, Caitlyn, Kai'Sa, Syndra, Leona, Sett, Pantheon, Ziggs, Talon, Amumu, and Viktor.
- Players can select Smite starting from Summoner Level 3
- Quickplay first surrender will be available at 10 minutes and successful with 4/5 of the players agreeing
- Quickplay surrender at 20 minutes will be successful with 3/5 of the players agreeing
Quickplay known bugs
- Purchasing a chroma in the Quickplay lobby consecutively may temporarily lock out chroma purchase ability
- Chroma preferences do not save when swapping to a different skin
Global Language Select
- Players will now have the ability to select their preferred game language in the LoL settings menu of Riot Client. Note that there will be some language inconsistencies with publishing content in the client since we do not localize all of our regional publishing content.
- This will go live separately from the patch at 10AM PST on Nov 8th.
Mythic Shop Rotation
Now Available:
- Prestige Cyber Halo Janna
- Prestige K/DA Evelynn
- Prestige Arcanist Zoe
- Prestige Blood Moon Aatrox
- Mythic Chroma High Noon Senna
- Mythic Chroma Galaxy Slayer Zed
Leaving the Mythic Shop:
- Prestige Star Guardian Syndra
- Prestige Ocean Song Seraphine
- Prestige Dark Star Malphite
- Prestige Porcelain Lux
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
- Fixed a bug that would cause Renata Glasc’s Passive to instantly kill Zac when an ally attacked a Zac revive blob with her passive debuff.
- Fixed a bug where Pix was sometimes preventing Lulu players from earning kill credit.
- Fixed a bug where if the target of Briar’s R is untargetable when it lands it causes a mass disconnect.
- Fixed an issue that caused Janna’s W tooltip to display incorrect information.
- Fixed a bug that caused Kai’Sa and Braum’s passive indicator to overlap.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Jungle pet’s stealth VFX to appear to all enemies, and also reveal stealthed champions.
- Fixed a bug where Recurve Bow’s tooltip was incorrect.
- Fixed a Skarner ASU-related bug, can’t tell you what it is but we fixed it, promise.
- Fixed a bug where if Briar kills Baron with Snack Attack… she gets credit for all Baron-powered minion kills…. whoops.
- Fixed a bug where Briar’s Blood Frenzy was counting as a CC in the death recap and crowd control score in the post-game stats.
- Fixed a bug where Briar’s auto attacks would become disabled after casting her Ultimate.
- Fixed a bug that caused Neeko’s clone to not properly display her Honor 5 or Challenger Recall.
- Fixed a bug that caused Briar to sometimes attack allies when Berserked.
- Fixed a display bug that caused Varus’s Q to always show the line indicator even if the setting was disabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused Empyrean Jax’s flame to be misplaced during his recall animation.
- Fixed a bug that caused Jax to play the default attack animation on his W when he has any passive stacks.
- Fixed a bug that caused Briar’s W auto attack animations against other champions to be slowed down.
- Fixed an issue that caused Sylas’s UI to display an incorrect Ultimate when Hijacking Neeko’s Ultimate.
- Fixed a bug that caused Briar’s Frenzy to trigger the loss of control screen flash.
- Fixed a bug where the jungle item could be re-added to your inventory after transformation if you used the undo feature in the shop.
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released in this patch:
- Prestige HEARTSTEEL Yone
- Breakout True Damage Ekko
The following chromas will be released this patch:
And that's all for the 13.22 patch notes for League of Legends.
For more LoL, check out our homepage. Or take a look at our first impressions of the new TFT set, Remix Rumble.

About The Author
Dani Cross
Dani is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. She graduated from university with a degree in Broadcast Journalism, then worked as a freelance writer before joining the GGRecon team as a full-time writer in 2023. In her opinion, the best game of all time is Elden Ring – but her favourite is Halo: Reach, a game that created lifelong friendships and somehow started her down the path to a career in media. She’s also way too invested in Pokemon cards, and a big fan of guinea pigs, cats and other cute creatures.