Best Escape from Tarkov key binds for healing, reloading & more

Best Escape from Tarkov key binds for healing, reloading & more

Using the best key binds in Escape from Tarkov will make certain actions like healing and reloading so much easier, while opening up new opportunities as well.

08th Nov 2023 10:03

Images via Battlestate Games

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Mastering all of the different key binds in Escape from Tarkov will make surviving raids a whole lot easier, as they simplify and combine actions so that you don't have to frantically search for a combination best suited to healing and reloading in the heat of the moment.

Escape from Tarkov is probably one of the most hardcore first-person shooters that you can play right now, and a big part of that is the sheer number of different actions that you can perform. With the right key binds, you can do a whole lot - and you might be surprised at just how many are already implemented in the game that are easily missed.

Best custom key binds in Escape from Tarkov

To help in surviving raids and winning more gunfights in Escape from Tarkov, you'll absolutely need to use all of the custom key binds listed below, as they dramatically speed up key actions like healing, reloading, and clearing weapon jams - letting you get back to the action quicker:

Key bind name Custom bind Action
Removing quick reload Change 'Reload' to 'Double Press', then back to 'Press' Removes the double press delay to ensure a quicker reload
Removing sidearm quick swap Change 'Sidearm' to 'Double Press', then back to 'Press' Removes the delay when switching to your secondary
Dual med bind Bind 'Slot 4' to 4 as 'Release', then bind 'Slot 5' to 4 as 'Press' Lets you have two meds on one button, like CALOK-B on 'Press' and Salewa on 'Release'
Always hold breath Bind 'Hold Breath' to RMB as 'Release', then bind 'Aim' to RMB as 'Press' Ensures that you're holding your breath as soon as you scope in
Easy magnification switch Bind 'Change scope magnification' to Mouse 4 or Mouse 5 Lets you quickly switch between magnification levels with one press
Easy tactical device switch Bind 'Toggle tactical device' to Mouse 4 or Mouse 5 Lets you quickly turn flashlights or lasers on and off with one press
Quick exit check Unbind 'Check time' and then set 'Check time and exits' to single instead of double Lets you check both time and exit locations with a single button press
Gun malfunction combo Bind 'Check chamber/fix malfunction' to L on press, then 'Inspect current weapon' L on release Lets you fix any gun jam by double-pressing L

It might take a little time to memorise these key binds and integrate them into your standard play, but they are genuinely game-changing in nearly every raid you'll enter. By far the most important of the bunch is the gun malfunction combo shown below, as this has saved my life more times than I can count when playing.

Screenshot showing the gun malfunction combo in the settings menu of Escape From Tarkov

I've always found the default process for removing a weapon jam to be far too convoluted, so the fact that you're able to get rid of it and get back to firing by double-tapping the L key makes a world of a difference.

The dual med bind is also incredibly handy when playing, saving you the trouble of checking if you have a heavy bleed. If you do have one, it'll prioritise that over replenishing your HP, as that's a far more pressing issue. If there's no heavy bleed, it will instead skip over the initial bind and go straight to healing your parts up - neat, right?

Best pre-existing key binds

Image of key binds in Escape from Tarkov

There are also a fair amount of handy key binds that are already set in Escape from Tarkov that you might have missed, so check out the table below to pick up a few new tricks:

Name Key bind Action
Quick transfer CTRL + LMB Quickly transfer items to your backpack/rig
Quick equip ALT + LMB Quickly equips items to your PMC
Quick walk Caps Lock Quickly switch to the slowest movement speed
Crouch adjust C + Scroll up/down Adjust the crouch height of your PMC
Quick Stash scroll Page Up/Page Down Quickly hops to the top/bottom of your stash
Free Look Middle mouse button + mouse movement Look independently of your movement direction
Smooth lean ALT + Q/E Slowly lean in either direction for finer adjustments
Smooth step ALT + A/D Slowly step left or right
Blind fire ALT + W/S Hold your gun above/to the right to fire around cover
Magazine select R + Scroll up/down Choose the next or previous magazine in your rig for more precision
Quick melee hit Double tap V Use your melee weapon without having to bring it out
Backpack drop Double tap Z Quickly drop your backpack for more movement in fights
Change tactical device CTRL + T Switch your tactical device's setting
Switch scopes CTRL + RMB Switch between multiple scopes on a weapon
Switch magnification/reticule ALT + RMB Change level of magnification on a scope
Check ammo ALT + T Check ammo type and level in loaded magazine
Identify Middle mouse button Quickly identify items
Change fire mode B Change between single-fire, burst, and fully-automatic fire modes
Check fire mode ALT + B Check your current fire mode
Quick full auto Double tap B Quickly switch to fully automatic firing mode
Scope zeroing Page Up/Page Down Change the scope zero level when zoomed in
Split item stack CTRL + LMB Split the items in an item stack - useful for ammo
Discard Delete key Quickly discard items
Rotate R Rotate items in stash or bags

It's highly likely that you know at least a few of these, but memorising every single one of this list is essential if you're a new player in Tarkov, as they will more often than not help you out in everything through to organising your stash.

The backpack drop, for example, is an essential piece of in-game tech that you can use to enhance your movement in gunfights. If you've got a lot of loot weighing you down and suddenly find yourself in a fight, make sure to double-press Z to dump your bag and have the freedom of weightless movement once again.

Harry Boulton

About The Author

Harry Boulton

Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon, having completed a Masters of Research degree in Film Studies. Previously a freelance writer for PCGamesN, The Loadout, and Red Bull Gaming, he loves playing a wide variety of games from the Souls series to JRPGs, Counter-Strike, and EA FC. When not playing or writing about games and hardware, you're likely to find him watching football or listening to Madonna and Kate Bush.


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