Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations first impressions: Light at the end of the tunnel

Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations demonstrates two years of dedication to bring the series back into the fold - but is it worth trying out?

Joshua Boyles

Joshua Boyles

10th Oct 2023 20:00

Images via EA

Battlefield 2042 Season 6 Dark Creations first impressions: Light at the end of the tunnel

Ever since Battlefield 2042 was first released in 2021, it's had an uphill struggle. From releasing in a shoddy state to having its first season of content delayed by nine months, it's had to fight for almost every single player that still logs in.

That said, the community behind this game has stood by it, logging on for each new season to check out what's new, whether it be a new map, weapon, or vehicle. All the while, DICE has continued to deliver improvements to the core structure of the title.

With Season 6 of Battlefield 2042, dubbed 'Dark Creations', we're finally getting to the point where the game should have been at launch. Fully featured and with content that veterans of the series will surely adore, Battlefield 2042 Season 6 is the perfect jumping-in point for any lapsed players.

Back to the meat grinder

Redacted in Battlefield 2042

The biggest draw of the new Battlefield season is most certainly its new map, dubbed 'Redacted'. DICE admits that it drew inspiration from the likes of Operation Metro and Operation Locker for this one, both fan-favourite, infantry-only, maps that were renowned for their explosive and gritty gameplay.

Redacted follows in these footsteps by also only allowing infantry, and also by breaking new ground for Battlefield - it's actually the first map in the series that's set entirely indoors. This is almost a shame, given it's supposedly set in the Scottish Hebrides, which is a stunning location in its own right. Nevertheless, there are still pockets of imitated greenery to be found in the overly linear map structure.

In our gameplay demo, we were able to play a few rounds on both 64-player Conquest, as well as a bit of Team Deathmatch. Both modes immediately harked back to the good old days of Battlefield 4 and 3, pushing through walls of explosions, pulling off elaborate flanks, and mowing down ridiculous numbers of enemies at once.

In fact, I'd arguably say that Redacted is more fun to play than Metro and Lockers, thanks to smart level design. There's usually always a flanking route open to you, so there are far fewer moments where each team is butting heads at a choke point, only for neither to make progress the entire match.

What's more, Redacted has plenty of personality, too. Take note of your surroundings for even a second, and you'll catch glimpses of a dark narrative undertone. Set in a robotics lab, it's clear that there's some hideous form of experimentation going on here, making the story of Battlefield 2042 intriguing once more.

Other favourable throwbacks

Redacted in BF 2042

The throwbacks to Battlefield 4 don't end with the map - Ammo and Health Pouches also make a return in Season 6, offering classes with additional ways to resupply teammates. The addition of these items may seem small, but they go a long way in making soldiers and squads more manoeuvrable.

Of course, it wouldn't be a new Battlefield season without some new weapons, of which Season 6 carries three new additions: the VHX D3 Assault Rifle, the L9CZ semi-automatic pistol, and the G428 marksman rifle.

While we didn't manage to give all three new weapons a proper run for their money, they do help to bolster the increasingly large armoury of Battlefield 2042, which although barebones at launch, has amassed to a size that's admirable for a multiplayer shooter. It's still genuinely freeing to be able to pick any weapon with any set of class equipment.

We also didn’t get to try out the new YUV-2 Pondhawk transport vehicle since Redacted is infantry only. However, this will be coming to other maps in the game and will let two soldiers hover around on a drone-like bike. From what we've seen in trailers, it looks truly adorable and perfect for getting the sort of roadkills that only a Battlefield game could facilitate.

Time to jump back in?

Redacted in BF 2042

From our brief time with Battlefield 2042 Season 6, it's clear that the series is back on the straight and narrow. Battlefield has had a rough few years, following a steady decline in the view of its fanbase.

However, thanks to the steadfast support of its developer and the introduction of some genuinely good content drops, now is certainly the time to revisit Battlefield 2042 if you are considering it.

What's more, the game is set to be free-to-play between the dates of October 12 and 16, providing the perfect alternative if the Modern Warfare 3 beta isn't sparking excitement for you.

For more shooter coverage, be sure to check out our Battlefield 2042 homepage. We also have a guide on absolutely everything else you need to know about Battlefield 2042 Season 6.

Joshua Boyles

About The Author

Joshua Boyles

Joshua is the Guides Editor at GGRecon. After graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in Broadcast Journalism, he previously wrote for publications such as FragHero and GameByte. You can often find him diving deep into fantasy RPGs such as Skyrim and The Witcher, or tearing it up in Call of Duty and Battlefield. He's also often spotted hiking in the wilderness, usually blasting Arctic Monkeys.

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